Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tips for Beginners: Airline

Airline travel can be scary, and it's very understandable!
Going through security can be stressful, waiting on the tarmac can make you anxious, turbulence can cause fears and anxiety, initial take off and landing in general can be scary and unusual to anybody!
However, once you land, all your fears go away. Well, once you pick up your luggage that is!
We're going to get some tips all set up here, and hopefully your next flight will be a breeze!

Top Ten Safety Tips for Airlines:
(Inspired from )

  1. If you have a fear of crashing, pick direct flights. You'll only have to take off and decent once, which lowers your risk of an accident tremendously.
  2. Choose large aircrafts. They have more specific certification rules to pass than smaller planes do.
  3. Pay attention to the safety video at the beginning of your flight, and read the pamphlet in the seat pocket. It's easier to remember something you know!
  4. Try to keep only light objects in overhead storage. If anything were to fall or loosen the latch, it would be healthier to be hit with something light!
  5. When you're seated, opt to wear your seat belt.
  6. Listen to the flight attendants. They've done this multiple times, and were specifically trained to.
  7. Do not bring anything questionable or hazardous. Just don't.
  8. If you're drinking something hot, let the Flight Attendant do it for you. They're trained for handling hot objects in crowded aisles.
  9. Don't drink too much. The altitude is different in the air, meaning consumption can and will affect you a lot harder!
  10. Think. If something were to happen, panicking isn't going to get you anywhere or save you!

Here is an example of the video you will be seeing on your flight. Just because you watched this one doesn't mean you shouldn't watch the one on the plane!

Here is a comical safety video, just to lighten your mood :)

How to Stay Healthy on an Aircraft:
These simple tips will make your flight enjoyable and healthy!

  1. When choosing a drink on board, choose water or juice. Caffeine or carbonated drinks are dehydrating, which can make you very uncomfortable.
  2. Relax. Flying may be nerve racking, but millions of people fly each day and are safe.
  3. Eat lightly. Take off, turbulence and landing often trigger upset stomachs, and can make jet lag worse than it is.
  4. Avoid foods that give you gas. In the air, your body gasses expand by one-third!!
  5. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes.
  6. Take off your shoes while in the air. Ankles tend to swell up while flying. Wearing loose socks or 'airplane socks' help with the circulation (and keep your feet warm and are super comfy!)
  7. Try to bring a airplane sized moisturizers for your hands and face. They'll make you feel and look a lot better!

For these tips and more, check out

Security Tips:

Pack your carry on bag neatly! If it is a mess, it is considered suspicious and is more than likely going to be searched.

Pack all electronics in your carry on. Here is procedure for bringing on a laptop:

Read this for rules on liquids. There is no better way I can word it than it has been worded here:

The following can set off the metal detectors:
Keys, Money, Small Electronics (Cell Phones, PDA's, mp3 players etc), Jewelery, Metal Buttons on clothing, Metal hair pins/decorations (bobby pins, hair pins etc), Belts and Buckles, Underwire Bras, Shoes

When going through security, please remember to place all liquids into a 1 quart Ziploc Baggie. You may put jewelery/change in a separate baggie. Place baggies in bins provided.
Shoes must go in a separate bin, as well as sweaters, jackets, purses, laptops etc.

If you use crutches or a cane, these will have to go through the x-ray conveyor. A security officer will often help you through the metal detector if needed. You also cannot touch the sides of the metal detector.
If you have a cast/boot/sling etc, you will go through extra screening and bomb testing. (Can you tell I've been though all of that before?! :) )

Prohibited Items:
View here for the complete list:

Please note that eye lash curlers are often confiscated.
Also, gel insoles and inserts are not allowed on board, and will be discarded at security!

Happy Travels!
Comment if you would like more information!


  1. Hey!

    This a great blog! It has a lot of very helpful and every post has lots of great tips!
    I would definitely become a follower if I had an account!

  2. Hey! Awesome blog - this really helps with a lot of questions I have myself about what not to bring, what not to wear, etc. Great!!

  3. Thanks! Glad I could be informitave :)
