Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Flight Fears: Solved

It's a very very very common fear to have to be afraid of flying. In fact, I personally have to take a few anxiety pills before I fly because I too get nervous. Anybody who knows me knows that my biggest fear is water. My second biggest- flying over water!

With my disease, I don't sleep at night, leaving me plenty of television time, and a couple of weeks ago I was watching The View when I was inspired by Whoopi Goldberg for making the decision to go on a plane for the first time in one decade! Since I have to fly in a matter of weeks to get to my hospital, I decided I would try out the tips they provide on the show and then review them. I simply cannot wait however, and have decided that all of us are going to get over our fears of flying together!

I'm going to be giving you guys the link to the show (in two parts) below, as well as a few videos of planes taking off, so we all know that it's not a big deal! The take-off videos might cause a little motion sickness though, so don't watch them too long!

So the show guest stars Dr. Roger Callahan, who is using his technique called TFT- Thought Field Therapy- to help coax Whoopi over her fear of flying. I'm going to copy below his tips in general form. I'll also be adding his website in case anybody would like to contact him, or find out more about his tips!
- Tap on your eyebrows, fingers, and collar bone.
- Avoid smoking, fragrant stimulants (perfume, detergent etc.), and corn on the day of your flight.
Find part two of The View here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TlIgaOFvfo
There are two links in the sidebar of the first video. I would type them out for you guys, but I personally did not find anything good from them, so it would be a waste of time to recommend them.
I've been researching around, and here are some other flying tips I have found:

1. Turbulence is okay. It may seem a little shaky or scary, but it's normal!
2. Remember, flying is what the plane is designed to do. It's what it will do.
3. Your captain is certified and trained for anything. Same with the rest of the crew.
4. If flying were not safe, it would not be available to you, and would never have been approved.
5. Flying is routine. If there were a lot of accidents, why would all terminals be lit up by those ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE boards showing positive flights?
6. Be optimistic!
7. Tense and release your muscles. (Also a great trick to try and sleep at night)
8. Your imagination is exactly that- your imagination.
9. Learn how to deal with your nervous feelings in a way that works for you. (Maybe the tapping technique above)
10. If you feel a panic attack coming on, you will be fine. It's your bodies way of calming you down.
All of these have been briefed from: http://www.airlinetraveladvice.com/fear.shtml
If you know you suffer from anxiety or nervousness, talk to your doctor about possible medications that help with stress, or anxiety when you're getting your prescriptions before the trip. Often a relaxant pill will be prescribed. I have Ativan, and let me tell you, you only need .5 mg before you're calm and breathing normally.
Now for flight videos!!!!
If they can take off like this, your take off will be a breeze! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhLULrLlGdk
If you are really really nervous about take off and landings, do not watch this video. It does however portray how impressive your pilot's skills are, and that you will be safe when you fly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4OxGkmvPng
Happy Travels!

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