Monday, June 8, 2009

Healthy Travelling

Your trip is obviously going to be more enjoyable if you're healthy throughout your stay. Here are a few tips that might seem obvious to you, but might not be to everybody else.

1. Before you go, check around on the web and news to see if there are any health concerns going on in your destination.

2. Get all vaccinations needed at least a few weeks before you go!

3. Fill all prescriptions the week before you go, that way you have extra in case you lose any. Make sure to keep them in their original containers!! If you feel the need to get antibiotics just in case, ask your doctor for a prescription for general antibiotics for your trip. Don't forget to bring anti-acids, heartburn medications, allergy medicines, advil/tylonel, gravol, sleeping pills and other day-to-day medications.

4. When you are there, eat from the grocery stores. You have a much less chance of eating something you're allergic to, that is contaminated, or that is spoiled. You'll also be able to prepare it to your taste. This also saves you from the fat and grease that lives in fast food.

5. Drink as much water or REAL FRUIT JUICE (not Fruit Drink) as you can. Stay away from carbonated or extra sugary drinks that will reduce your energy level and make you feel over all sick.

6. Try to exercise on your trip if you can. This could be taking advantage of a hotel's pool or exercise room, or even walking around theme parks or other attractions. Renting bicycles is also a fun option.

7. Pack a little first-aid kit with essentials such as band aids, medicated creams, gauze, tensor bandages, wet wipes, medical scissors, tweezers, and medical tape. You can buy these cheaply from dollar stores, Zellers/Target, Wal*Mart, Canadian Tire ect. My personal favourite and recommendation are the Justin Case brand kits. Here's a link if you would like to purchase one of these, or look at them for inspiration for your own kits:

8. Bring extras! Extra glasses, contact lenses, cases for contacts, glasses, retainers, extra toothbrush, extra underwear, extra socks, extra bathing suits etc. If you break or lose something, or even get something soaked a spare will come in handy!
Happy Travels!

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